Due to Guestbooker’s excellence in networking, and their extensive list of contacts, many people find the company through word-of-mouth marketing or client referrals. For this reason, the company emphasizes relationships and will often make sacrifices to help a client, believing that this investment will pay off through referrals and return business. As I have said before, this business highly revolves on who you know and how many people you know. On top of word-of-mouth, many people find Guestbooker through LinkedIn and general web searches. From here, people will find the email a communal email that reaches of the employees at once for a quick response. They have not found any need to invest in social media marketing as their client network is so strong. As someone who has worked in marketing, I was initially shocked by this, however I now realize that they are much more powerful in relational marketing than they ever could have been through Instagram for example.
Conversely when Guestbooker wants to find certain people, they are very skilled in being one step ahead and predicting what kind of guests will be needed. They do this by paying close attention to the news and using their years of experience working with various TV networks. They constantly are watching news segments to see what types of guests networks want, and which guests are successful. As I said before, Guestbooker has also mastered the art of networking. One major way that they attract clients is by seeking them out in person and always being prepared to start a conversation and exchange business cards. This is yet another lesson George taught me. You should have business cards on you at all times. You never know who you will run into, and a business card is a great way to make a connection without wasting too much of the other person’s time.
So to recap, while Guestbooker may not use the most traditional methods to market themselves to clients, they capitalize on one of their most important strengths: networking. Their key networking strategies include having business cards on them, attending many relevant events, and utilizing LinkedIn- in fact, George messaging me on LinkedIn is actually how I found out about this internship opportunity! Additionally, they are savvy when it comes to what is up and coming in current events. They pay attention and strategically chase after clients whom they believe will be qualified and relevant in today’s social, economic, and political climate.
Photo from: https://www.fronetics.com/why-networking-is-essential/